OP and ED of Choujigen Game Neptune are really catchy!

Hyperdimension Neptunia

Believe it or not, this was really my first Anime ever! (That is, when knowing what Anime had been… ) I’ve only been watching Anime for any little over half per annum, but this show was the initial of many implies that I have watched and you will be watching!

I have played most of the Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth Games, so thus I agree with one fact: This Anime FAILS TO adapt the Games well! But is that still enjoyable to look at? Hell yeah!

This super bright colorful world of Gamindustri, where almost all people live in five major nations as they are protected by sweet girls who transform into sexy girls. Appears like paradise!

The Anime begins while using the girls of just about every nation, known since CPUs or Goddesses, coming together to a pact, which prohibits use of military force when it comes to their competition to get Shares, which is essentially like their… popularity points? I imagine? Anyways, if you intend to know why they might even make a pact (since this particular obviously implies they own had some beef inside past), you gotta engage in the Games!

The Anime is much like a separate story within the Games, which is what kind of threw off there are many. But once you feel that this Anime really doesn’t adapt every plot points from the Games, and is merely based off of them, you will start to enjoy the Anime as it is!

This Anime really was fun to see! When it goes to characters, the Neptunia franchise can be a personal favorite involving mine. The characters are extremely incredibly lovable, and they generate fun of many Anime and gaming tropes. For example, my favorite character created by series, Nepgear, is the shy imouto stereotype, and with the Anime trope of looking over her elder mother, Neptune. Plutia, a second favorite, gets the yandere/yangire stereotype, come to the extreme! Vert, this boobylicious one, is usually an otaku! Blanc contains the hotheaded flat chest muscles stereotype, and Noire could be the tsundere. This show is basically a huge pack of parody. The sum of times Neptune has broken the 4th wall in this franchise basically applies her at Deadpool rate.

If you want to celebrate watching an Anime you don’t want to take seriously, and should you be a fan in the Neptunia series, I suggest watching this. Just keep in mind that it isn’t simply strictly based on many of the Games, just simply the franchise, and you’ll have fun , tremendously!

: Super awesome ensemble of characters! They both so cute!
— Hilarious parody along with 4th wall busting!
– There have been some… heart reaching moments. I know right?
– OP and ED are really catchy!
– The sad ED is basically beautiful; -;
– Voice actors/actresses actually did a superb job, and this show even offers an amazing dub!
– You will find a fan service event; )

– Like I stated before, not a very good adaptation on the Games, so just keep that in the mind.
– Some in the character barely can anything; -; this show kind of mainly focuses at Neptune. I desired to see more in the others, especially Rom and Ram but some other characters.
– Some characters in the Games didn’t even make a lot of an appearance, or none at all, such as Broccoli, MAGES., Tekken, etcetera.
– Compared to your Games, not sufficient 4th wall bursting!

Story: 6
Not like the Games, nevertheless fun to observe! The story changed a whole lot of how the heroes worked, such since, *SPOILERS*, how Nepgear, Uni, Rom, and Ram set about having no CPU powers in any way! This was a unique and unexpected take on the story, and I literally liked how that developed their character inside the Anime! The salt were actually certainly enjoyable, and in the face of being fillers, still contributed somewhat for the overall plot. However, it’s almost impossible to make a high quality story (with arcs for that) with just 12 episodes, although enjoyable, the story isn’t exactly a good story.

Art: 9
Holy damn the art is indeed pleasing for that eyes. The colorations, the character designs, the dogoos, everything was everything that I expected and expected. The action will not be the most top quality, but it’s undoubtedly up there, and also the particle effects had been really pretty.

Noise: 9
The OP, EDs, plus Hyperdimension Neptunia anime soundtrack were all really good! While a a number of the music do not come from many of the Games, it still accommodate the series effectively! The sound effects were also congratulations, and the voice actors did a splendid job on both the dub and sandwich.

Character: 10
This cast of characters is amazing. They all have their own unique characteristics that are based on additional Anime and online game tropes, but they still seem to take the tropes together with make themselves ones own character.

Enjoyment: 10
As my first Anime truly, 10/10 all all over.

Overall: 8
While I admit that with regard to quality and adaptation this Anime is not actually good, I still think that it’s enjoyable to enjoy and is something that both Neptunia fans but they are still who haven’t even seen the series may well enjoy.

“I’m apparently an amnesiac, i absolutely need you to explain stuff to me in a very manner convenient for any players to fully understand! ” – Neptune.

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my Review, “Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu”

Certainly, I guess it is best to aim for the wasteland if you find yourself creating a big project, like some sort of bishoujo game? I’m sorry…. I just can’t thought of a good way to begin this review. After all, this Anime is just not GOOD. I only chosen this up because Need be to watch a good visual novel-based Anime this season, and when I read the description, I ended up being expecting another Saekano. Certainly, what I bought was Saekano if perhaps Saekano was a smaller amount interesting.

Ladies along with gentlemen, welcome to my can it “Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu”, known in English as “Girls Beyond the Wasteland”.

Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu BD is a follower of Buntarou Hojo, a good. k. a. Bunta, who has simply no idea what he really wants to do later on. One day, he writes a script with the drama club and ultimately ends up being approached by way of girl named Sayuki Kuroda. Sayuki is aiming to produce a bishoujo game, and she wants Bunta to publish the story as it. They also generate other students in their school, prefer Atomu, Yuuka (Bunta’s friends with the latter being proficient at acting), Yuuki (an really shy girl that’s a talented artist), and Andou (an otaku which really wanted to make a yaoi game), where they form the class “Rokuhara”. Together, Rokuhara works over the game “24 Days with Asamori-san” and aims with the wasteland!…. Apparently.

At this point, the story for the Anime is lackluster and cliched. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t mind cliches excessive, but this Anime cannot help but bug me relating to this; the story had been just so predictable as a result of the cluster with cliches. I honestly will not have a lot to say about the character types, either. All with the characters are either uninteresting or frustrating, and I really didn’t care about what happened to any of them. If there was clearly one interesting character in such a Anime, I’d express it’s Atomu, but that’s only because I came across his “dark side” just slightly amusing. Besides that one quality, he’s simply as boring as everyone else.

Well, the story and characters may just be forgettable, but really, the animation, voice acting, and opening in addition to ending songs is not as bad, correct? In all significance, they aren’t since bad, but your animation almost has been. It was kind of obvious that the facility behind this Anime, Project No. 9, put little thought within the animation. The opening and ending designs, which are respectively “Wasterlanders” as a result of Sayaka Sasaki in addition to “Sekai wa Kyou mo Atarashii” simply by Haruka Chisuga, Kana Hanazawa, Satomi Sato, and Satomi Akesaka, aren’t the most effective songs ever, but they’re doable. That voice acting is not really bad either, considering Kana Hanazawa is voicing one of the main characters (Yuuka), although…. is it only just me, or does it could be seen as they’re not having an enjoyable experience with this one? (That’s reasonable, despite the fact that, considering how this Anime turned out. )

With all the being said, Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu was a unhealthy experience and a general disappointment. Are you interested in an Anime in which the main characters are having a game? I’d prefer for you to watch “Saenai Heroine simply no Sodatekata” instead, because at the very least that one has better animation and characters which can be actually better to go by. If you demand watching Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu, please do not compare it to help Saekano, because currency trading it’s a waste of your energy in comparison.